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Microbiology Day

The Assemblée Générale of Microbio-NA and the sixth edition of the Microbiology Day of Nouvelle-Aquitaine will be held on May 27th at the Domaine du Haut-Carré in Talence.

Domaine du Haut-Carré,Talence

This year, we are honored to welcome two distinguished speakers:

Dr. Philippe Bastin, Specialist in the trypanosome cytoskeleton and its observation using various high-resolution imaging techniques at the Institut Pasteur in Paris,

Dr. Gaëtan Ligat, whose research at Infinity in Toulouse focuses on the link between human cytomegalovirus and glioblastoma.

Program Overview:

Our program aims to cover all aspects of microbiology and all microorganisms studied in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. We particularly encourage PhD students and Post-docs to present their work. Prizes will be awarded for the best poster and the best oral presentation.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: 17 February – 26 April

  • Administrative Registration: Closes on 17 May

Registration is now available. 

We look forward to seeing you at Microbiology Day!