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Séminaire du Dr Cyril Corbet : "Lipid metabolism in head and neck cancers: new opportunities to overcome anti-EGFR therapy resistance"

Cyril Corbet, UC Louvain est invité par Thomas Daubon (IBGC) pour un séminaire le 26 septembre à 14h en salle de conférence de l'IBGC.

Salle de conférence de l'IBGC, Carreire

"Lipid metabolism in head and neck cancers: new opportunities to overcome anti-EGFR therapy resistance"

Cyril Corbet was, as a postdoctoral fellow from 2012 to 2019 in the Pole of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at UCL (Brussels, Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Feron, His research has been mostly focused on the influence of the acidic microenvironment on the tumor cell metabolism and published highly cited publications (Cell Metabolism, Nat Comm…). He has now his own research team in the same institute and continues working on the same topic.